01. Flower Show 2022 – RAZZLE DAZZLE

We were excited to be holding our annual show again this year.

It took place on 29th October and was staged in the modern chapel of the church for the first time and people seemed to welcome this as a venue.

The show was entitled ‘Razzle Dazzle’ and the nine Classes attracted 59 entries.

There was a Class where the exhibit had to be created without using floral foam and a Class for children to make an exhibit featuring paper flowers.

The most popular Class attracting 11 entries was ‘Everlasting Beauty’. This was a craft exhibit using an embroidery ring with dried and / or preserved plant material that could be made at home. Jane Moody was awarded first in this Class and also ‘Judges Choice’. Our judge Valerie Best said that the exhibit was of national standard.

’Best Use of Colour’ was awarded to Graham Harmer for his cream and white coloured interpretation of ‘An Amazing Melange’ and ‘Best in Show’ was awarded to Norma Leslie for her contemporary interpretation of ‘Cascade of Colour’.

Over 100 people came along to view the show and catch up with their friends over a cup of tea served with delicious homemade cakes. There was also the opportunity to purchase items from an array of stalls.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who helped to make this a well attended and profitable show.

Photos of the winning entries are on the next page.